At Area Specialist we understand the neighbourhood you call home. We have sought out the industry's top talent to create a team of local experts offering leading expertise across a wealth of real estate services.
Our extensive network of more than 100 experts across Australia, provides greater opportunity to connect the right buyers with sellers, tenants with landlords. No matter what your property goals, you can rest assured you're in trusted hands.
Our network is global
We have an extensive database of international buyers. We can provide multilingual specialists, opening doors to more purchasers looking to tap into the Australian market.
A record of performance
We have proven a track record of exceptional results across all neighbourhoods and market conditions. We work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcomes time and time again.
Superior Customer Service
We are passionate about customer service. We provide a cohesive and seamless experience founded on honest communication, professional advice and world-class marketing. We know Australia real estate and we are here to serve you.
5,427 - 5 star reviews
Great communication from start to finish. Gave all the information and answered all questions very promptly. Pleasure to deal with.
Callum was professional, dedicated plus displayed kindness and compassion when selling our home. I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone wanting to sell.
Callum was very attentive to our needs and understood the type of house we were looking for. He supported us with private inspections prior to making such a big decision, thank you Callum!
Marcus, was amazing to deal with from the start to finish, was politely to the point in letting us know what was needed to be done with our home to be able to get the best result possible. Not only was he able to get
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Market knowledge spot on, listened to our needs and acted accordingly, would not hesitate to reccomend Marcus to family and friends. Always kept informed of proceedings and felt well supported at every step
Callum was professional, dedicated plus displayed kindness and compassion when selling our home. I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone wanting to sell.
Callum was very attentive to our needs and understood the type of house we were looking for. He supported us with private inspections prior to making such a big decision, thank you Callum!
Marcus, was amazing to deal with from the start to finish, was politely to the point in letting us know what was needed to be done with our home to be able to get the best result possible. Not only was he able to get us a quick sale but over the asking price. Best decision we made was going with Marcus. We couldn't recommend him highly enough. Thank you Marcus.
Market knowledge spot on, listened to our needs and acted accordingly, would not hesitate to reccomend Marcus to family and friends. Always kept informed of proceedings and felt well supported at every step
Unlock the door to your dream home. With exclusive access to the best local properties, our team of leading experts will empower you to make informed decisions in your home-buying journey.
It's the little things that make a big difference. Experience personalised service every step of the way with an innovative approach that delivers outstanding results. Trust in our professionals to unlock your property's true potential.
Leveraging a deep understanding of the local market, our property management experts will strategically position your property to ensure not only maximum returns but growth over time.