11 Sep 2024
Area Specialist appoints two top trainers
Area Specialist appoints two top trainers

With decades of experience between them, Area Specialist founder Michael Choi said trainers Aaron Shinner and Adrian Bo had been given the task of maintaining and improving the group’s already top performers.

“The best athletes in the world train every day,” Mr Choi said.

“Not just to get better but to maintain their high level skill.

“We are also continuously adding state-of-the-art technology to automate systems for Area Specialist agents, and ensure they maintain a high level of professionalism with their clients.

“So, it’s also important we train on how to best use these new systems.”

Mr Choi said when he thought about the chosen coaches, two sayings came to mind.

“’We sweat in training, so we don’t bleed in battle’, and ‘if you want to be the best you have to play with the best’,” he said.

“These top trainers will ensure our agents stay at peak performance.”

Mr Choi said Mr Shinner was a dynamic speaker and real estate innovator.

“He is considered one of the leading real estate coaches in Australia and New Zealand,” Mr Choi said.

“He has helped more than 60,000 agents over the past two decades in the real estate industry.”

Mr Bo is a licensed agent and auctioneer with more than three decades of experience in the industry.

“He specialises in sales, coaching, leadership and auctioneering and is recognised as one of Australia’s top industry spokespeople,” Mr Choi said.

“He is continuously ranked one of the top real estate agents in the country year after year.”

Mr Choi said Area Specialist made the decision to partner with the coaches in order to provide extra value to its members.

“And to ensure we continue to dominate the markets that we operate in,” he said.

“They each offer different styles of training to ensure a variety of ideas and perspectives for our diverse range of Area Specialist agents.

“The Area Specialist system is designed to create as much value as possible – with the right systems and enough support for our members to ensure we continue our rapid expansion and momentum around Australia.”